Kenita Matthews (center) poses with the check for $10,000 presented to Grace Given, a local 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to helping people in the community. Larry Penkava/Randolph Hub
ASHEBORO — Kenita Matthews wondered why there was a crowd waiting outside Our Daily Bread Kitchen on April 10. What she learned literally floored her.
Brandi Hill of All Insurance For You told Matthews that they had something for Grace Given, her nonprofit. Then Heather Mintz showed her the oversized check for $10,000.
“Thank God. Thank God,” screamed Matthews. “He’s the only reason I do what I do.”
What she — through her 501(c)(3) — does is help anyone with needs.
She has said of Grace Given, “I am a woman who loves people and loves God. We want to do all we can to help those in need in our community and surrounding communities. Let’s make a difference by giving people a second chance and looking beyond their past mistakes.”
When given the check, written out to Grace Given by NC Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Matthews responded, “This is going to help out our community even more to provide clothes, places to stay, food, rehab … all kinds of stuff. It’s going to help out so much.
“I’m overwhelmed, I’m blessed, I’m thankful, I’m grateful. It’s a step in the right direction for people who don’t have anything, people who are homeless with families. It's amazing that people care to give Grace Given something.”
Matthews and Grace Given were nominated by Hill for the BlueCross BlueShield Agent Impact Grant. Hill first met Matthews as a client, and then became a supporter of Grace Given.
“Kenita’s heart to serve our community is giant,” Hill said. “She will do anything within her power and reach to help someone who needs it.”
The concern for others is shared by Hill’s agency. “Our agents go above and beyond to help our clients navigate the insurance maze, get help paying for medications, and find the doctors and dentists they need to get affordable care,” she said. “We also listen for clues for what matters most to them and things they may need help with beyond insurance.”
Matthews’ service to others includes giving them clothing and shoes, shelter, a job, even a place to shower and wash their laundry. Someone gave Grace Given an RV where people can take showers, wash their hair and put on clean clothes.
More recently, NC Coating of Randleman donated a 2012 Mitsubishi box truck so Matthews and her part-time volunteer, Tyler Hawkins, can use it to deliver goods such as large appliances and furniture to those who are without.
Matthews was hired about a year ago by Gene Woodle, director of Our Daily Bread, to manage the kitchen. She had been using a van loaned by Village of Barnabus for deliveries, such as taking as many as 35 boxed meals to those who had no transportation to eat lunch in the dining room of Our Daily Bread.
With $10,000, it was suggested that Matthews could possibly buy another motor home for more shower options. But she also has another goal in mind.
“We need a building so we can do all we need to do to help our community,” Matthews said. “There’s a lot going on.”
Her motivation to help anyone and everyone with needs is encapsulated by her Grace Given motto: “Not because I have to but because I get to.”
To learn more about Grace Given, visit or call 336-465-6432.