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Things that make you say "hmmm"

Sometimes you just want some lighter stories with a strange twist. We expect this will be a popular place to visit on our website.

Who says we watched TV by candlelight?

A modern Stone Age family…

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Mr. Movie: James Earl Jones Part 3

More great movies with James Earl Jones

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Pining for normality

Overcome by all those political ads

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Mr. Movie: James Earl Jones the actor

Actor was far more than his unmistakable voice

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Mr. Movie: James Earl Jones

Part 1: The Voice 

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Money matters plague Uncle Ambrose

Maybe it's time to go off the grid

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Mr. Movie: Even more sports films

More good sports-related movies suggested by the editor

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Remembering some of life’s good times

Running club friendship grew over the years

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Mr. Movie: Other sports, Part 3

More sports-related movies, with a little help from the boss

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Don’t mess with my stuff

‘Secret shopper’ is causing a ruckus

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Judge not, that ye be not stuffed to the gills

Or ‘The perils of judging 20 food trucks in Randleman’

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Mr. Movie: Alain Delon

French actor made an impression on American audiences

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Mr. Movie: Gena Rowlands

Often-praised actress died recently at age 94

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I was a mutant teenage housekeeper

In need of some ‘female help’

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Where were you 60 years ago?

Lessons from a former linthead

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Mr. Movie: More about 'other' sports

The best non-baseball sports movies, continued

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Smartphones and dumb clucks

Uncle Ambrose gets a 'smart'phone

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Mr. Movie: Not just baseball

Best movies about sports (that are not baseball)

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Remembering Frank Brown, one of the Greatest Generation

Boss was fun-loving, but also cared a lot about doing our jobs well

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Mr. Movie: Pedro Almodovar

Spanish director is the master of the frenetic film

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Getting old all in the mind ... and legs ... and ...

Age is never having to say you're starving

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Mr. Movie: The Olympics In Film

1981 Best Picture ‘Chariots of Fire’ remains gold medal winner

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Culture in the hay fields

Gopher Woods decides to cast off its hick image

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Mr. Movie: Shelly Duvall

Unique actress passed away on July 11

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I’ve got senioritis, how ‘bout you?

Pain and suffering is part of growing old

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Mr. Movie: Films about zoos

Zoo-focused movies and hit and miss (mostly miss)

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Taking care of Mama’s business

Taxing the best of caregivers

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Mr. Movie: Part 3 on Donald Sutherland

Roles included 'The Hunger Games' franchise

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My green thumb wilted on the vine

The reluctant young gardnerer

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Mr. Movie: More on Donald Sutherland

Recently passed actor had a long string of great movies

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Mr. Movie: Donald Sutherland

The first of three articles on the popular actor who died recently

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'Having a great time; wish we were home'

Bringing the Great Outdoors indoors

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Ode to Independence Day

In the spirit of Clemet Moore

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Mr. Movie: Circus films

The circus is a wonderful setting for a movie

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Bulletin: Single men sleep on dirty sheets

So what else is new?

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Mr. Movie: Tennis films

Serving up a few classic winners

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Some golf films worth teeing up

From Adam Sandler to Kevin Costner, stars are attracted to golf movies

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Content in the sweat of the brow

Early jobs made me feel good

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Book 'em, Danno

An unfortunate experience in the Charlotte jail

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Mr. Movie: Dabney Coleman

Prolific actor made his. mark in comedies like ‘Tootsie’ and ‘9 to 5’

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Beatin' the heat back in the day

It's time for the sweating months

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Mr. Movie: French mysteries

Mr. Movie's favorite French mysteries

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Hitching a ride

Hitchhiking used to be a common way to get around

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Mr. Movie: Baltimore

With director Barry Levinson leading the way, several good films have been set in Baltimore

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‘S’ is for skeptical

Cicada prophecies

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Mr. Movie: Better than the book

Sometimes – but not too often – the film can be better than the book it is based on

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Men and boys — and their bicycles

Freedom of a bike is the best

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Mr. Movie: Remembering M. Emmett Walsh

Character actor supreme played all kinds of roles

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Another concert series has begun

Another brood of cicadas are out and singing their song

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Mr. Movie: Louis Gossett Jr. Part 2

Superb actor had varied career film roles

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Late nights spent with banished knights

It took a month to wade through ‘Ivanhoe’

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Mr. Movie: Louis Gossett Jr.

Gossett had 200 acting credits before his death

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Flaming tacos and chilled appetites

It's all in a day's work for firefighters

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Mr. Movie: Gary Cooper

American Everyman

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Eat to live or live to eat

No longer priding myself on how much I could put away

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Mr. Movie: Michael Crichton

Prolific author had many books made into great films 

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Mr. Movie: William Faulkner

A handful of films reflect the author's strong work

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The day I got snapped by a comet

Unseated by a swing set

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Stepping back in time

A chance encounter leads to a flood of memories

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Mr. Movie: The strange case of F. Scott Fitzgerals

Good film versions of Fitzgerald's work are woefully lacking

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Uncle Am caves to Aunt Vic

Dig a hole and climb in it

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Mr. Movie: Part 3 of 2023 sleepers

Stars like Anette Benning, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Julianne Moore shine

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Last one to leave, turn out the lights

Out in the parking lot, Scoop pursued Squirt with his camera, taking a series of angles despite the victim’s best efforts to hide his face with his shopping bag.

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Mr. Movie: More sleepers

Some of the best from last year include historical ‘Golda,’ ‘Rustin’ and ‘Society of the Snow’

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Sixty years later and I'm still his student

My names rings a bell with a former English teacher

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Mr. Movie: 2023's sleepers

Part 1 of a look at some overlooked films from last year

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What gear are you wearing?

Driving? Let me get this straight

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Mr. Movie: The best of 2023

Academy Awards ceremony is coming up on Sunday night

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Crime and punishment … or whatever

When in doubt, form a committee to study the matter

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Mr. Movie: More Norman Jewison

One last look at some of the classics from famed director

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Mr. Movie: More Norman Jewison

Director helmed some of the most familiar films in the ‘60s and ’70s

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Wait, that’s the wrong island

Arrrrgh! An unexpected visit to Pirates Cove

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Fools rush in … especially when they miss the bus

You can't take the cruise if you miss the boat

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Mr. Movie: Norman Jewison

Honorary Oscar was too little, too late for this talented director

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More Tom Wilkinson

Recently deceased actor had many stellar film performances

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Woncha take me on a sea cruise

Back on the cruise ship

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From flytraps to big feet

Worried about the carnivore plant

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Mr. Movie: Glynis Johns

Actress started making movies in the 1930s and had several memorable roles

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Twelve months of Now and Then  (as if anyone cares)

A look back at a year's worth of columns

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Mr. Movie: More Tom

Most outstanding performances by Tom Wilkinson

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A place in the heart

A chance encounter with a living legend

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Mr. Movie: Tom Wilkinson

Recent death robbed us of another fine actor

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Mr. Movie: More films you're never heard of

Part 8 of some good but somewhat obscure films

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Overweight? Get more sleep

More sleep may be the answer to everything

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Post-party depression and other ailments

Back to the same ol' same ol'

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Mr. Movie: Norman Lear

Much more than television

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I resolve to ... do what I’m doing

New year will not include smoking … of any type

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Mr. Movie: Ryan O'Neal

Just passed, actor was a film superstar in the 1970s 

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‘Are you ready for, er, what holiday is it?

“Christmas happens every year at this time so don’t pretend you didn’t see it coming.”

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Mr. Movie: Frances Sternhagen

Actress won Emmys and Tonys and had a wonderful film career

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Lamentations of a deer on the run

“I don't wanna sound like a spoil sport, but doggone it, I'm tired of dodging bullets. Not to mention cars and SUVs and Mack trucks.”

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Mr. Movie: Good films you've never heard of

Here's another group of excellent movies that were beyond the mainstream

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Blessed be the bow tie that binds

Mama would dress me up on the days when a photographer came to take pictures for the yearbook. Mama adorned my neck with a clip-on bow tie.

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Mr. Movie: Hemingway Part 1

More Ernest Hemingway classics on film

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Mr. Movie: Ernest Hemingway movies

Hemingway has written some of the great stories ever, and many have been made into good films

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A nerd maybe, but a friend indeed

Loner was a buddy once you got to know him

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How smart is artificial intelligence?

There's an app for that

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How do we say thanks?

Gratitude can be good for your health

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Mr. Movie: Michael Gambon

Actor's legacy is more than Dumbledore

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Mr. Movie: Carson McCullers

Movies from the works of novelist Carson McCullers are most all excellent.

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Does anybody really know what time it is?

I hope you didn't forget to throw your clocks against the wall

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‘Grab your books, the bus is here’

Whatever happened to the good old days of riding the school bus?

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Mr. Movie: Car racing

Americans love cars and movies about racing them

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Don't complain ... it could be worse

When older folks get together, the talk turns to their ailments

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When is a hospital not a hospital?

In my youth, a hospital was the last place you wanted to be

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Mr. Movie: Nurse films

Many films consider nurses are the prime character

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Mr. Movie: Peter Dinklage

Fun-sized actor packs a wallop with his versatility 

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Take the wheel while I grab some Zs

Today's new vehicles are really in control of driving

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Mr. Movie: Evan Hunter, AKA Ed McBain

Several of Ed McBain's many novels were turned into great movies

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Please pass the clips, and my dentures

“Old age is not for the faint of heart”

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Mr. Movie: Robert Altman

Director followed his own path in making classic films

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Where’s the Energizer bunny when I really need him?

Our playroom has more cars and trucks than a vehicle auction yard. If placed end-to-end, they would stretch to the Toys “R” Us in Greensboro.

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Scales are the worst

On a scale of 1-10, scale insects are the worst

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Mr. Movie: Black & white

Many of histories greatest films were shot in black and white

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Signaling a change?

Where was I when they repealed that law?

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Mr. Movie: Beauty pageants

Several good movies use these all-American competitions as the subject matter.

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Drawing conclusions, not to mention still lifes

My days of being a cartoonist are over

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A pop quiz for the elderly

Speaking of old, I'm it

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Mr. Movie: Different animals

Looking a films that deal with animals

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Mr. Movie: William Friedkin

Director of ‘The Exorcist,’ 'The French Connection"

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I’ll take some nuts, hold the drink

I’ll take some nuts, hold the drink

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Death to hornworms!

Garden column: Death to hornworms

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Mr. Movie: Frederic Forrest

Frederic Forrest was supporting actor in many good movies

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Men of the world, unite!

Men of the world, unite!

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Move when God says move, but not before.

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Dessert under the elms

Citizens arrest in Gopher Woods

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Mr. Movie: Remarkable remakes 2

Remarkable remakes

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Eight years late and 3 dollars short

Eight years late and 3 dollars short

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Mr. Movie: Alan Arkin

Alan Arkin Part 1

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Now what was I looking for?

Discovering a treasure of old memories

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Rest stop

The disciples were happy to assist Jesus in ministry. However, they were exhausted and hungry because they were busy meeting people’s needs. Jesus invited the disciples to come away with him to a quiet place. They welcomed his invitation. We should, too.

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Mr. Movie: Frankie Laine

Singer Frankie Laine's speciality was songs for westerns

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Geese in flight and dogs that bite

After 76 years, I've finally been bitten by a dog

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Getting the paper from us to you

We are now about two months away from Year 3 for Randolph Hub

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Mr. Movie: Glenda Jackson

Two-time Oscar winner Glenda Jackson passed away last month

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Secrets of the night

Camping with the big boys

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Mr. Movie: We will miss Bruce Willis

Rare illness has taken away actor's ability to work

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‘Take me out to the ballgame’

Among the boys of summer

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Mr. Movie: Remarkable remakes

While most movie remakes ‘suck,’ some stand out

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Mr. Movie: Robin Williams, but seriously

Popular comedian also left us a legacy of excellent serious performances

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Memorial memories

After 65 years I’m still draining the water from my ears

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The house that God builds

“You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Christ Jesus. — 1 Peter 2:5 ESV

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Mr. Movie: James Garner

He seemed to be a ‘regular guy,’ although a very good looking one

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Sinking to the lowest common denominator

Understanding just a fraction of math

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Just in time for Father’s Day: A daughter’s dream

A rose by any other name would still smell to high heaven

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Gardening: You can’t eat petunias, so ...

If you can find a place or places to hang a basket, you can grow vegetables there

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Don't mess with my sanitized, air-tight world

We are all sitting in our invisible bubbles

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Mr. Movie: Coming full circle

Movies that come together in the final reel

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Where were you when …

Asheboro concert takes me back 50 years

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Mr. Movie: Tennessee Williams

Southern playwright wrote many of the scripts for his movie adaptations

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What’s in a hard-to-pronounce name?

Just don't call me Larry Petunia

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Growing tomatoes in tubs

Starting tomato plants out small and then transplanting them is a good way to go

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Mr. Movie: Melinda Dillon

Talented Melinda Dillon was two-time Best Actress nominee

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Mirror, mirror on the wall

Complaining about our bodies can send us on a downward spiral

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‘I’ve seen that 7-Eleven before, dear’

Manly men never stop for directions

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Mr. Movie: Eddie Redmayne

British actor is a brilliant chameleon

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Aiming to be the best

Before Sam Allen, I wasn't worth a spit

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Mr. Movie: Jill Clayburgh

After a string of strong performances, actress was largely forgotten

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The best job I ever had … almost

Fond memories stirred by sight of a nondescript building in Greensboro

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Mr. Movie: Mike Nichols knew how to direct

Improv comedian turned director found his niche

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Running? Are you serious?

Runners today spend a fortune on equipment

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Want to live longer? I've got some secrets

Not taking life too seriously seems to be the best advice

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Mr. Movie: Looking back at Tony Curtis

Handsome actor became the epitome of a ‘movie star’

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Mr. Movie: Better that the original?

Most sequels disappoint, but some hit the mark

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He is not here

“A soldier once said, ‘When I die, do not play Taps over my grave. Instead, play Reveille, the morning call, the summons to arise.’” –Anonymous

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I could'a had a Tootsie Roll

The best I can say about licorice is that it didn't stick to your teeth like Milk Duds

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Living with Mrs. Sparrow

A kindly lady opened her home to this college student.

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Mr. Movie: Part 3 of 2022 sleepers

The third, and last, entry about movies from last year that didn’t get noticed much, but deserved mention.

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Step away from the moving van

Old people should not be allowed to move

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Mr. Movie: More sleepers from 2022

Here’s another batch of good movies from last year that didn’t get much notice. 

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Shoulda asked for customer service

Sometimes a cell phone does come in handy

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Me and Willard and Grandma

“If there was anything Grandma was good at, it was funeralizing.”

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Mr. Movie: Sleepers of 2022 Part 1

Picking out some highlights from the past year in film

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Mr. Movie: The best of 2022

... and a confession

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Here's the thing about manners today

Wearing caps indoors and other pet peeves of mine

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The blue gumball

How do we respond to disappointment? 

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Tapping out an identity

Remembering a school fad that was the sound of coolness

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Mr. Movie: Remembering Gina Lollobrigida

Great Italian beauty passed away recently at age 95

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Larry Penkava: Looking at beds from my lofty perch

Looking at life from the top bunk

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Warren Dixon: Anyone have an ashtray they want to donate?

Antiques are getting younger every day

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Larry Penkava: Thar’s gold in them thar, uh, bedrooms?

Can you put a price-tag on a clean room?

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Mr. Movie: Paul Dooley is the movie dad

Familiar character actor is still working in his 90s

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Are you prepared for (gulp) ‘Boomerang Kids’?

Be careful of children who back up on you

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Larry Penkava: Daddy left his legacy on celluloid

Owning a movie camera made Daddy a cinematographer

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Starr Ayers: Aisle of love

God walks with us and loves us

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Warren Dixon: Why we need 'Wring'

Baseball has spring training; why can't we?

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Mr. Movie: Mark Rylance

British actor was 55 when he was ‘discovered’ by Hollywood

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Larry Penkava: Government shutdown hits Gopher Woods

Never give a mayor an even break

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Mr. Movie: Who said that? Part 5

More memorable movie lines

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Mr. Movie: Jack Palance

Veteran actor Jack Palance finally got his Oscar in a 1991 comedy

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I’ve got my eggs in high-yield CDs

I'm an old hand at egg production

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Why and how your brain laughs at you

Our brains are always playing with us

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Starr Ayers: The good part

Resolve to slow down a little in 2023

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Warren Dixon: A word to the wise

You can change your world by changing your words. … Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue. — Joel Osteen

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Larry Penkava: Too much information, too little time

A pileup on the Information Superhighway

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Mr. Movie: Miyazki's last (or first) hurrah

Sampling some of the best of Japanese Anime

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Imaginations are running wild

Here's my book title: ‘Thirty Years of Nonsense’

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Mr. Movie: More from Pixar, including my favorite

More favorites from Pixar Studios

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Larry Penkava: It may take another 56 years

I resolve to do better than I did in 1956.

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Mr. Movie: Fun for everyone

Pixar animation studio has created a string of good times for everyone. 

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Larry Penkava: Where's a rocket scientist when you need one?

Car seats need to come with instructions

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Mr. Movie: The other Stephen King

Stephen King does more than horror stories

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Mr. Movie: Films from New Zealand

New Zealand is another great source for movies

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Larry Penkava: During the holidays, feast beats famine every time

'Tis the season to be rotund 

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Warren Dixon: The real secret and the power of Christmas

Let’s be naughty and save Santa the trip. — Gary Allan

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Mr. Movie: Movies Down Under the radar

More good movies from Australia.

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Larry Penkava: Two men and the art of shopping

A visit from the Ghost of Christmas Presents

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Mr. Movie: More Down Under the radar

More Aussie-made movies that are worth watching

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Christmas like you've never thought of it before

Christmas as the BIG DEAL of the year is a fairly recent development

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Aging, from Geritol to Prevagen

It's pretty easy to guess one's age by the content of their conversations

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It's time to deal with your mums

Recycle those mums (or ‘October roses’ as grandma used to call them)

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In the South, hard to see the forest for the weeds

A flower in the wrong place is a weed.

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Mr. Movie: Down under the radar

Many Australian films are worth searching for

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Mr. Movie: Who said that?

Another round of famous movie quotes.

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Good health is not for the faint of heart

Four and on the floor: Saying yes to all the shots that were offered.

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Gardening: Rosemary traditions

Rosemary grows in two basic types: that which grows upright, and that which acts as groundcover.

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Kid napping is OK, but adult napping illegal?

Naps have always been a forte of mine.

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Mr. Movie: What the Dickens

More than 50 movies have been made from the stories of Charles Dickens.

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When it comes to Thanksgiving prep, I'm a turkey

The women in my family do all the cooking while the men sit around and mumble.

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Beauty is only Botox deep

A Chinese man sued his wife for … wait, what?

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Mr. Movie: Wolfgang Petersen

German director Wolfgang Petersen had a string of hit movies in the United States.

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Why tennis elbow was discovered by a husband

There are certain pressures in playing tennis for a million dollars. The true pressure, however, lies in playing your spouse.

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Lary Penkava: Can't we all just get along?

Everybody wins when the election ads cease.

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Mr. Movie: Buster Keaton

‘The Great Stone Face,' silent era star Buster Keaton, was the master of physical comedy.

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Lessons learned from hosting a yard sale

A yard sale equals the Great American Dream,

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Past winners deserve their place in history

Softball tournament program from 1957 honors young women from Asheboro. 

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Oak gall, wasps and black ink

Oak galls usually don’t cause significant long-term damage to the trees they fall from.

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Let's talk Elvis

Elvis averaged three films a year in the 10 years he made movies in Hollywood, and a few of them aren't too bad.

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Time to fall for asters

Asters give us plenty of reasons to add them to our garden beds. 

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Mr. Movie: W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields was an American original, and laugh-out-loud funny.

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Now & Then: Remembering dinner on the grounds

Friendsville had a long wooden table just outside the meeting house and on courtly meetin' it was covered with fried chicken, pot roast, a host of casseroles and more desserts than you could shake a fork at. 

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Men — and boys — and their bicycles

The culture has shifted: boys prefer to ride to ball practice with their soccer moms. 

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Mr. Movie: More good movies with bad titles

Sometimes movie titles are difficult - if not impossible – to figure out. But it doesn't mean the movie is bad.

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There's nothing 'witchy' about witch hazel

There is nothing scary about the plant that blooms around Halloween and has a witchy name.

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Larry Penkava: Please pass the chips, and my dentures

Aging 101 should be a required class for all high school students. … I tell young people to live a long life, just don't grow old.

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Mr. Movie: Good movie, bad title Part 1

Some of the worst movie titles are actually attached to some pretty good movies.

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Warren Dixon: Do we need cursive writing any more?

We have to realize this is the computer age. Nobody writes anymore., everyone texts, emails, copies or prints. If they to write, they print. Now, most students can print as fast or faster than they can write in cursive. They just can't sign their names. 

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Hazel left a permanent mark on Myrtle Beach

Hurricane Hazel, which hit the coast in October of 1954, left a permanent mark on Myrtle Beach.

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Mr. Movie: More sleepers from 2021

Movie columnist Rusty Hammond offers more sleepers from 2021

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Larry Penkava: Making history takes time

Last week wasn't the first time I'd slipped into the role of accidental historian. Indeed, my professorial days go back at least 20 years. 

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Warren Dixon: Cleaning out closets is easy … or so I've heard

There are those, I'm told, who change their closets according to the weather…

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Mr. Movie: Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin's Little Tramp character endures.

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Larry Penkava: My claim to athletic fame

Am ability as a distance runner was Larry's claim to fame in high school baseball and basketball, and resulted in one somewhat “fixed” match race.

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Never say 'thank you' when given a plant

This is an old tradition that started as a superstition many years ago. It is basically you should not say thank you when you are given a plant, or it will either not grow well or it may die if you thank the giving party.

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Plastic package? Hand me the scissors

Scissors seems to be the preferred way to open most of today's packaging.

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Mr. Movie: Films about salesmen

There are plenty of good movies about salesmen.

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Where did the Ringo?

A good deed for a struggling neighbor turned into a handful of extra work.

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Mr. Movie: The Marx Brothers

The Marx Brothers used a script only as a starting point, much preferring to make it up as they went along. 

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How to raise your own maypops

Maypop fruits do make a very satisfying pop when they land upside your brother's head. But, according to one source, the name could be a corruption of the name “maracock,” which is what the Powhatan and  and Algonquin Indians called it.

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It was Sherwood 3587, in case you’re wondering

What is it with this memory thing? The brain can be defined as a mass of nerve tissue in the cranium of vertebrate animals in charge of remembering thousands of the least significant details, and occasionally something of importance.  

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Troubles by the mouthful

I’m 75 years old and still haven’t mastered the art of chewing. It seems simple. You put food in your mouth and move your jaws up and down until the morsel is ground fine enough to enter the esophagus.

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It's my way or the right way

Jimmy is officially trained in mechanics, electronics, information technology, landscaping, French cooling, martial arts, rocket science and brain surgery. I, on the other hand, am trained in none of the sciences or technologies.

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Mr. Movie: More sleepers from 2021

Mr. Movie: Finding a few sleepers from 2021 's offerings.

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Mr. Movie: Anne Heche

A look at the top movies by actress Anne Heche, who died in a tragic accident at age 53.

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It's not only nature that abhors a vacuum

Cleaning is something that doesn’t come naturally to a man. I’m certain of this. There’s something unnatural about cleaning. Dirt is natural; leaves, grit, mud, dust bunnies, clutter, all natural.

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The Movie Man: Who Said That? Part 2

The last “who said that” column was so popular (okay, three people kind of mentioned it in passing), that I decided to do another.

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One who stands her ground until death or closing time

Columnist Warren Dixon has receptionists on his mind.

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How many feet in a liter?

The rest of the world is comfortable using the metric system, but thanks to American pushback in the 60s, we don't have a clue.

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What did you do with your extra second?

If everybody got a second, does that mean there were 7 billion extra seconds out there?

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Two ... two ... two leaves in one

This was unusual, even for long-time photographer Paul Church

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The story behind Randolph Hub’s email account

Why is the Randolph Hub account not a gmail account? You'll never guess the answer.

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Yays and Boos!

Sometimes life needs some Yays and Boos.

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