Zooland Civitan Club member Judith Wilson delivers a stocking, a hot nutritious meal and a smile to a local senior. The Club has volunteered many hours over the years to the “Stockings of Care” project.
Jill Jackson, RSAA
For the Randolph Hub
Parades, light displays, decorated store windows, TV movies and more all set a cheery tone for the holiday season, but the holidays can be a time of intense loneliness and isolation for many seniors who no longer have family or who are physically unable to visit friends and loved ones.
In order to make sure that no senior is left behind or forgotten this holiday season, Randolph Senior Adults Association (RSAA) teamed with several community organizations to provide “Stockings of Care” for area homebound seniors who are enrolled with the Meals on Wheels Program.
For eight years now, area seniors have received the stockings as an added bonus to their daily nutritious hot meal. The Randolph Quilters Guild Sew-Day Group hand-sewed and contributed 350 beautiful felt stockings. This year's stockings are filled with a wide variety of goodies including candy, hygiene products, trinkets, puzzles, games and more.
For some, it might be the only gift they receive this holiday season.
“Many seniors in our area are isolated, due to physical issues which limit their ability to drive, or because of the loss of a social support network due to relocation, aging or other factors,” said Mark Hensley, RSAA Executive Director. “Some of these seniors don’t get anything at Christmas, not even a visit, so when they receive a gift, it just brightens their day."
Many individuals committed financially to the project and others gave unselfishly of their time in stuffing and delivering stockings to seniors across Randolph County.
“We are truly thankful for an abundance of community support,” Hensley said. “We could not continue this valuable project without the support of our community.”
“Stockings of Care really touched me, especially when you realize how many seniors feel lonely and forgotten at Christmas,” one financial supporter remarked. “It also resonated with me, especially when you hear them try to justify their loved ones absence during the holidays by saying they have their own families or they live too far away.”
This year’s sponsors and contributing partners include: Randolph Quilters Guild Sew-Day Group; Kayser-Roth Corporation; Sew Busy Ladies Group, Inc.; Neil & Sandra Allen; Ed & Joyia Clayton; Mark & Beth Hensley; Vicki Cox Humphries; Debra McNeill; United Way of Greater High Point and Community Partners; and Zooland Civitan Club.
About the Randolph County Senior Adults Association: The Randolph Senior Adults Association (RSAA), a nonprofit organization, is the community’s lead organization for adults ages 50 and over. RSAA is a United Way agency. For more information, visit: www.senioradults.org.