Kenita Matthews-White holds her Asheboro Civitan Club Citizen of the Year plaque. ‘I couldn’t do this without God,’ she said.
‘I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.’ Larry Penkava/Randolph Hub
ASHEBORO — Kenita Matthews-White knew something was going on when she saw “all these people running around.”
She was at Our Daily Bread Kitchen, where she’s the kitchen manager, the evening of Sept. 12, supposedly to talk to the Asheboro Civitans about what she does with the charitable organization she founded, Grace Given.
Instead, Sandra Jernigan, Civitan president-elect, began the program by telling Matthews-White, “The Asheboro Civitan Club wanted this to be a night for you.”
A short video produced by Blue Cross & Blue Shield was shown, highlighting Matthews-White’s work to help the needy of the community. The insurance company donated $10,000 to Grace Given on April 10 of this year. She is seen in the video saying, “I didn’t realize I had this impact on the community.” Her father, Kenny Matthews, said, “She’s gonna take care of people. That’s her nature.”
Grace Given, according to Matthews-White, is “a nonprofit organization that helps those that are homeless and less fortunate. We go out and connect with individuals, show them the love of Jesus, and give them second chances to a better life.”
Gene Woodle, director of Our Daily Bread, thanked Matthew-White for her efforts. He said of her, “She starts something and follows through. She’s always going and going and going. We love you, Kenita. Keep doing what you’re doing.”
JoAnn Bostic, chair of the Our Daily Bread Board of Directors, said she’s gone out with Matthews-White when she feeds the homeless. Bostic recognized her kindness, gentleness and long suffering with those in homeless camps.
Matthews-White said, “When they’re ready, they will come find you. Then I’ll go the extra mile with them.”
Debra Matthews, her mother, told about how her daughter was always giving out food and other items to needy people, finding them places to live, helping them
find jobs, washing their clothes, whatever the needs were. She was even thinking about helping others while the family was on vacation.
Jernigan said of Matthews-White, “She’s going to show her love is real. What an example she’s setting. She has answered the call.”
Jernigan then presented Matthews-White with the Citizen of the Year plaque.
The honoree accepted, saying, “I didn’t know this is what God needed me to do, serving so many people. It brings me joy when they just smile and say thank you. That’s enough pay for me.
“I couldn’t do it without God. I appreciate this from the bottom of my heart.”