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St. Paul Museum to hold open house

Peggy Woodlief 

Randolph Hub


RANDLEMAN – St. Paul Museum’s April open house will be on April 16 at 2 p.m. The program will be a timely one on Master Gardeners. 


Julie Robbins, representing Randolph Master Gardeners, will talk about “The History of Gardening.” She will also answer questions about the Master Gardeners’ program and how to come a Master Gardener.


Another part of the program will be a display of items from Danny Whatley's collection of old gardening tools.



In addition to providing a variety of historical programs for the pleasure of the community, St. Paul is very interested not just in the history of Randleman and Northern Randolph County, but in the history of families who have lived in Randolph County, especially in Randleman.


To this end, we have set aside a display cabinet for this purpose and are inviting people to share some aspect of their family history.


Aside from photographs, these displays (featuring one family at a time) can include written accounts, actual objects, narratives about work, school, the first public library — in short, anything that gives insight into earlier times in Randleman.


If you provide materials of your family's story, we can mount pictures, type up your narratives — whatever would be helpful to you. Or you can arrange your own exhibit and we will provide whatever you need.


In addition to family histories, the museum is also interested in neighborhood histories. Photographs stashed away in old albums are always interesting as well memories of growing up. 


Much of old Randleman no longer exists except in memories and these are the stories that need to be preserved, whether of work, school or play. 


Favorite eating places, early movie theaters, experiences of those families who were the first to get the new television sets (along with all those people who showed up to see the new treasure and to watch whatever was on) all have the makings of good memories and good stories.


Every family who has lived in Randleman for at least one generation has important contributions to make, and these contributions are how local histories are collected.


Our first exhibit will feature memories of Ruby Lassiter Culver, who played a very important part in establishing St. Paul as a museum.


We hope to see you on on Sunday at St. Paul, Corner of Stout and High Point Street.