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Girl Scouts Troop #30061 members and other community volunteers fill Stockings of Care with goodies like candy, hygiene products, puzzles, games, trinkets and more.    Photo: Jill Jackson

Stockings of Care bring cheer to hundreds of homebound seniors

Jill Jackson
For Randolph Hub


ASHEBORO — The holidays can be challenging for many people, including seniors, but a program from the Randolph Senior Adults Association (RSAA) — now in its 9th year, called “Stockings of Care” — is doing what it can to help. 


In order to make sure that no senior is left behind or forgotten this holiday season, the RSAA provided stockings for area homebound seniors who are enrolled with the Meals on Wheels Program. Seniors receive a felt stocking, handmade by members of the Randolph Quilters Guild, as an added bonus to their daily nutritious hot meal. 


This year, 317 stockings are being distributed to seniors across Randolph County. Each stocking is filled with a wide variety of goodies, including candy, hygiene products, trinkets, puzzles, games and more. 


“The holidays can be hard for many older adults, especially those who may not have a companion or family to share them with,” said Mark Hensley, RSAA Executive Director. “Through the Stockings of Care Program, we can help these seniors experience the happiness and togetherness the season can bring.”  


For some, it might be the only gift they receive this holiday season. 


“The fact that our volunteers are knocking on homebound senior’s doors, not only with their daily nutritious meal, but also bringing some holiday cheer, that is what we’ve found is greatly appreciat-ed,” Hensley said. “Some of these seniors don’t get anything at Christmas, not even a visit, so when they receive a gift, it just brightens their day.”


Many individuals committed financially to the project and gave unselfishly of their time, including members of the Girl Scouts from Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont Troop #30061, RSAA Board Members, Randolph Rhinestones Senior Cheerleaders and more. 


 “We are truly thankful for an abundance of support,” Hensley said. “We could not continue this valuable project without the support of our community.”


This year’s sponsors and contributing partners included: Members of the Ran-dolph Quilters Guild; Sew Day Ladies; Sew-Busy Ladies Group; Kayser-Roth Corporation; Zooland Civitan Club; Unit-ed Way of Greater High Point & Community Partners; Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont - Troop #30061; Stephen P. Knight CPA, CGMA; Vernon Poole & Co., Inc.; Spec Hoffman Rental & Leas-ing, Inc.; Ed & Joyia Clayton; Gold Hill Road Mulch Inc.; Neil & Sandra Allen; Mark & Beth Hensley; Camelot Ct. #15 - O of A; Joyce Smith; Anne & Neil Evans; Randolph Rhinestones Senior Cheerlead-ers; Mt. Vernon Stitchers, Trinity; Staff Members of RSAA & RCATS; Cindy Cranford; and a large amount of community donations. 


Jill Jackson is Director of Marketing & Community Engagement for the nonprofit Randolph Senior Adults Associ-ation, a United Way agency and the com-munity’s lead organization for adults ages 50 and over. Info: www.senioradults.org.