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Willie Gladden, center, presented the 2025 Russell Murphy Mentor Award to Bishop Dr. J. Harold Williams, left, and Ronald J. Covington

Williams, Covington receive Murphy Award

ASHEBORO — Bishop Dr. J. Harold Williams and Ronald J. Covington are the winners of the 2025 Russell E. Murphy Sr. Outstanding Mentor Award.


The awards were presented on Sunday, March 2, in their church. 


Established to recognize men for their mentorship of youth in the Eastside Community, the award is named for Russell Murphy, the longtime Asheboro teacher and coach who was an inspiration for a generation of students.


Members of the community are encouraged to nominate those who carry on Murphy’s memory by their mentorship of young people.


Williams was nominated by Minister Mechele Bowden, who wrote, “This person has been a role model in all aspects of life from being a youth to an adult. … He loves to stay involved with the changes in programs to better educate the youth of all ages and ethnic groups as different challenges arise in the today’s economy. … He has a willing heart to encourage and help others to succeed with a driven purpose. … Bishop Williams will call or visit just to let you know he is thinking about you. He leads by example and his children have been taught to do so as well.”

Covington’s oldest daughter, Ginger Covington, nominated him, stating, “I am writing this letter to enthusiastically endorse Mr. Ronald J. Covington for the Russell E Murphy Sr. Outstanding Mentor Award for 2025. As I have had the pleasure to watch closely over many years the love he has shown to many youths in the community through coaching, volunteering, bus driving and mentoring. This recipient started giving back when his youngest daughter played Parks and Recreation basketball in the early 1990s. He began to put in hard work and dedication not only to his daughter but to many others in the community on the basketball court and the softball fields. …”


After being presented with the award, Covington said, “It was unexpected. This one time I was at a loss for words. I expected it to be somebody else and when they called my name it shocked me. But it was a pleasant surprise.


“I appreciated the fact that my girls think that much about me,” Covington said. “I’m glad it happened and I appreciated it coming from them. It makes me feel loved.”


His three daughters are Ginger, Keone and LaValle Covington.