Dr. Daliang Wang of High Point University will speak at the Library on Jan. 19.
ASHEBORO – Traditions and customs of Chinese New Year will be the focus of a talk by Dr. Daliang Wang, chair of World Languages and professor of Chinese at High Point University, at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 19, at the Asheboro Public Library, 201 Worth Street. The talk is free.
The most important Chinese holiday, the new year celebration marks the arrival of spring on the Chinese lunar calendar. It is celebrated in Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan and the U.S. as well as in China. The presentation will focus on the traditions, customs, timelines and cultures associated with Chinese New Year celebrations.
-Meanwhile, on Friday, Jan. 20, from 4:30-5:30 p.m., celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year—the Year of the Rabbit —with the Asheboro Library’s Children’s Room. The walk-through event will highlight Chinese culture and history with activity stations and information booths. Craft a Chinese rattle drum, gift a red envelope to family and friends, and enjoy the colorful displays. Best for ages 5 and up, but fun for the whole family.
For more information on these events, call 336-318-6803 or visit the library.