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May 2022 Primary


Randolph Hub offered 16 candidates in 7 local races an opportunity to make a final plea to voters during the early voting period and before the May 17 primary. A pair of questions were sent to each using email addresses the candidates supplied to the Randolph County Board of Elections. Ten of the candidates responded by the April 29 deadline and their pitches to the voters are printed in this pullout section. Readers can also find these responses at randolphhub.com. The candidates not shown here can still respond to the request sent to them and their responses will be added to the online story.

Randolph County Sheriff

Incumbent Greg Seabolt
Email: beverly.coble@yahoo.com
Challenger Robert Graves
Email: robertgravesforsheriff@mail.com
Challenger Timmy Hasty
Email: hasty4sheriff@gmail.com

Seabolt and Graves responded

If you are an incumbent, explain to voters why they should re-elect you. If you are not an incumbent, explain to voters why you should be the choice to fill an incumbent’s seat.


I am the incumbent in this race for Randolph Sheriff. The accomplishments should speak for themselves. We have provided the deputies with the needed equipment to do their job more safely and effectively. Our fight against the drug problem includes many drug and money seizures. I am in the early stages of starting an addiction recovery program which will be biblically based here in Randolph County. We must keep rolling in a positive direction to bring the Sheriff’s Office up to modern times. I feel that I’m the only candidate who can relate to our citizens’ needs and find solutions to their problems. I have a long track record of helping with the needs of our citizens by starting Operation Red Sleigh in 1999. I stood up for our citizens and wrote a resolution to make Randolph County a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County. I have more experience than any other candidate as a Sheriff. 

We are in the middle of many other improvements, such as the Detention Center expansion and the long-term addiction treatment facility. We had a surplus in each year’s budget with a $2 million surplus this last year. If re-elected, the citizens will continue to see improvements in all areas. Even though we improved on the response times for all service calls, I still want to find ways to improve those. I will never be satisfied with results and stress each day to be better than we were yesterday.


With 42 years of sworn law enforcement experience, I am the only candidate who is a state certified law enforcement officer.

I have had no greater honor than to have served as your sheriff. I have a proven record of strong conservative leadership. I love Randolph County and serving our citizens. I cleaned up the sheriff’s office, and made it a very efficient, professional, proactive office for the people once before. I’m willing and able to do it again.

It’s time for integrity, professionalism and honesty to lead the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office again, because we deserve better!

Point out the most important issue(s) in your race, your opinion on that or those issues, and how you intend to address them should you be elected.


The most significant issues are the overdose deaths we are experiencing in this county. We are working on this problem in 3 different ways. First, the enforcement side is starting a criminal interdiction team that works our highways seeking out illegal activity, including drug traffickers. This team is nationally recognized and partners in a national network that communicates information about drug trafficking. Second, we have added additional details in educating our youth on the harmful effects of drug use. Third, we have reached out to some citizens who have donated over 60 acres of land for a long-term treatment facility for those addicts that need help. This is a tool we need in this county to solve this problem for those seeking help. This program will be a biblically-based program in which similar programs have shown positive results. The addition of the drug treatment facility allows the tools needed to attack this problem head-on. This is another example of a forward-thinking sheriff. I always attempt to solve problems instead of treating them as the other candidates have chosen to do in the past.


By far the largest issue facing the Sheriff’s Office is the all-encompassing lack of professionalism in hiring practices, policies/procedures and overall everyday functions. This lack of professionalism leads to the following: Lawsuits, settlement payouts, wasteful spending, unsubstantiated information presented to the public, lack of transparency and rising drug/overdose deaths/crime rates. These issues cause the focus to be taken away from enforcement which takes away from our citizens. It causes a loss of accountability and trust with our citizens. This jeopardizes our county’s safety.

Addressing the current issues will start day one of my administration. We will work together as a team to ensure that the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office staff is providing and will provide the best services possible to the citizens of Randolph County. As our team grows and expands, we will have a system in place allowing us to recruit and retain the most qualified and trained officers to serve and protect our citizens. 

Our team will formulate a plan of aggressive law enforcement to address crime issues in our county. We will place special immediate attention to the drug issues that is currently at record highs. We will restore partnerships with allied partnered agencies and with our citizens to clean up drug-infested areas throughout our county. The aggressive approach will led to a reduction in crime which is directly correlated to the rising drug rates. 

I encourage each resident to reach out to me directly. I will have an open door policy as I always maintained in the past. I will always be there for each of you! Together, we can make Randolph County a great and safe place to live, work and raise our families! This is the office of the people and we deserve better!

County Commissioners
District 4

Incumbent Hope Haywood
Email: hope.haywood@randolphcountync.gov
Challenger Craig Frazier
Email: kaitlyn101990@gmail.com

Haywood responded

If you are an incumbent, explain to voters why they should re-elect you. If you are not an incumbent, explain to voters why you should be the choice to fill an incumbent’s seat.


Voters in Randolph County should re-elect me because I listen, I work to understand the issues our people face in their daily lives, and I take seriously the responsibility of serving and protecting all citizens. It has taken me these first 4 years to develop relationships with our county departments, our community leaders, our nonprofits, our state representatives … and my citizens. It is through these relationships that collaboration takes place to solve problems and serve our citizens well. 

Through effective collaboration, I have been a part of the following:

— Saving our local hospital.

— Establishing mass vaccination clinics at the NC Zoo during COVID.

— Obtaining funding for further development of our Deep River State Trail.

— Creating the Community Navigator Program, designed to help keep families together by connecting them with services. 

— Preparation of the Megasite in the Liberty area, and recruiting Toyota.

If I am re-elected, I promise to build on what has been started. For me, to lead is to serve.

Point out the most important issue(s) in your race, your opinion on that or those issues, and how you intend to address them should you be elected.


I understand that the main issue th In Phase 1, Toyota Battery Manufacturing, NC will bring at least 1,750 jobs to Randolph County, in addition to other businesses and industries. We are currently facing a housing shortage and need to increase new home construction. I am already involved in conversations with our municipalities and county zoning and planning to discuss changes we can make to streamline the process, allow for more growth, and yet protect our farmland and agricultural industry. We are working to address water and sewer needs in different parts of the county through the utilization of ARPA funds. This will position Randolph County for both commercial and residential growth in those areas.

Another critical issue we are facing is the mental health crisis, which includes addictions. I have been studying the appropriate use of funds from the opioid settlement and found that partnering with faith-based treatment centers is permissible. I have been looking at successful faith-based treatment centers for about 3 years now. The timing may be perfect for collaboration with the faith community to address the damage caused by mental health issues to spouses and children, and to provide alternative treatment options for the addict. We must have healthy families so children can grow and learn, and be prepared to enter the workforce as young adults. 

NC House
District 70

Incumbent Pat B. Hurley
Email: pbhurley2006@yahoo.com
Challenger Brian Biggs
Email: biggsnchouse@gmail.com

Hurley and Biggs responded

If you are an incumbent, explain to voters why they should re-elect you. If you are not an incumbent, explain to voters why you should be the choice to fill an incumbent’s seat.


I have served the people of Randolph County faithfully for 8 terms and have been elected by our Caucus as the Joint Caucus Leader/Liaison for 6 terms. As Chair of several Education committees, I want to continue trying to improve our education system.

I am endorsed by NRA and Grassroots North Carolina and also received The Conservative Achievement Award from The American Conservative Foundation for 2021.

Constituent service is our main focus in our office and I am very accessible to our constituents.
I am Pro-Life, Pro Free Speech, Pro Second Amendment, Supportive and Thankful for our Veterans and Military, and in Education, I am for parents’ choice.

I am the first woman in Randolph County to win a state office and am one of 8 Republican women in the North Carolina House of Representatives. I appreciate the opportunity to serve and hope to continue to be the voice of District 70.


My track record proves that I will speak up and, when necessary, I will fight to make sure the people of Randolph County are heard. I do not shy away from confrontational issues. I am not ashamed to bring my Christian and Conservatively Traditional values to Raleigh. Randolph County and the North Carolina General Assembly needs more elected officials in the state house who will tackle the hard subjects with integrity and determination. Citizens here in Randolph County know that they can reach me at any time — they know that I will not just listen but will put action behind the conversation. I intend to do the same thing in Raleigh.

Point out the most important issue(s) in your race, your opinion on that or those issues, and how you intend to address them should you be elected.


I understand that the main issue that I know was the masking issue for school boards. The House and Senate do not have super majorities; therefore, the Governor could veto any bill we did to try to overturn his mandate. We did a bill to give school boards options for masking and school attendance. This was not acceptable to the county school board. The school board felt the General Assembly could and should have done more and we should have spoken out more against this. Hopefully, we won’t have this situation again, but the main thing we can do to address this now is get a super majority in the House and Senate and I am working on this along with many others.


I am passionate regarding many issues but some of the same issues come up over and over. For one, over the course of the past two years, citizens, churches and businesses were not represented and rights were infringed upon with unconstitutional mandates. Randolph County deserves someone who’s aware of the issues, sensitive to the people’s desires and who are willing to ensure that the people are represented in Raleigh. As a realtor, I am passionate about individual’s property rights. We need leaders that are willing to stand up for the future — our kids in the state of North Carolina. I will continue to promote the development of broadband, sewer and water infrastructure in Randolph County. 

NC Superior Court Judge
District 19B Seat 2

Challenger Chris Parrish
Email: parrishforjudge@gmail.com
Challenger Taylor Browne
Email: wtbrowne@gmail.com

Parrish and Browne responded

As neither are incumbents, explain to voters why they should elect you to this office.


I am proud to call Asheboro my home with my wife and children. My wife grew up in Asheboro and we choose to make our home here and raise our boys. As a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN and a candidate for SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE IN RANDOLPH COUNTY, I took an oath to seek justice and work on behalf of the people of North Carolina in my current position as a veteran prosecutor. I have worked (and continue to work) over two decades in the very division in which I seek a judgeship. 

I have been working EXCLUSIVELY in SUPERIOR COURT since March of 2001 handling felony assaults, sexual assaults, robberies, animal cruelty (prosecuted the case that became the basis of Susie’s Law), burglaries, financial crimes, homicides and others. I stand with law enforcement and victims to follow the law and evidence available to punish those who take our peace. I have been employed as a public servant for over two decades and continue to dedicate time to volunteer as a servant leader in various capacities with the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. 

I have written a book on how to try your case in civil or criminal court with decency and integrity along with two textbooks on litigation. Between two colleges and one university, I have over 43 years combined experience educating others on civil and criminal law including our next generation of lawyers. EXPERIENCE and QUALIFICATIONS matter. I am seeking the position of SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE OF RANDOLPH COUNTY as an employee and the people of Randolph County the hiring authority. 

My campaign is not about tearing someone else down to build myself up. I do not have to ... I do not believe in those tactics either by saying it myself or someone else saying it on my behalf. I was raised in a doublewide trailer by a dedicated father and a hardworking mother. My dad worked as a welder and taught me the value of earning what you get, remembering where you came from, and the fact that integrity matters. My mom retired as an elementary school teacher and taught me the value of an education, doing what you believe is right, and standing strong. With these values and more, I grew from a child whose parents were told may never walk, to becoming a varsity baseball player, and later a man who became the first and only lawyer in the family. Please refer to my Facebook page at Chris Parrish for Superior Court Judge to learn more about who I am, what I stand for and why I am the best candidate to earn your vote.


This race is essentially about community and experience. I have the most experience and the most significant ties to Randolph County.

— First, I am the only candidate who is from Randolph County and has lived here his entire life.  

— Second, I have extensive criminal law experience in both the district and superior courts of this state.  

— Third, I am the only candidate who has represented Randolph County citizens and has practiced law in the courtrooms of this county.  

— Finally, many people may not realize that at least half of the job as a superior court judge is civil law; I am the only candidate who has civil law experience.

I am a lifelong resident of Randolph County. I was raised here. I attended elementary school, middle and high school here. I learned valuable lessons from my teachers and coaches here, and I developed lasting friendships through my participation in school, sports and extra-curricular activities here.

After undergraduate and law school, I returned to Randolph County to live and work because I love this county. My roots are here. My father grew up here. So did my father’s family. I am related to many other families who also have roots here. I married my wife (who is also a life-long Randolph County resident) here and our two children were born here.

Like my opponent, I have handled virtually every type of criminal case. However, I also have significant civil law experience and experience running a small business. For 13 years, I have managed a small business in Asheboro, the law firm of Bell and Browne, P.A. I have represented thousands of Randolph County people by drafting their wills; preparing their deeds; and by handling their cases in traffic court, family court, criminal court, child support court, DSS and superior court. I have handled their personal injury claims, represented them in mediations, and done work for their corporations and other businesses. Just like you, I know from a lifetime of experiences here what makes the people of Randolph County special.

Point out the most important issue(s) in your race, your opinion on that or those issues, and how you intend to address them should you be elected.


Funding for our courts, high costs of litigation and the lack of an understanding of rights by victims, defendants and litigants are all everyday barriers to justice. As a Superior Court Judge, you treat everyone equally, respectfully and educate throughout the process. Maximizing court time and working efficiently will help everyone receive their timely day in court and access to justice. Judicial economy, protecting the Constitution and following the law without favor are part of the bedrock of my campaign.


The most important issues in my race, again, really come down to community and experience. A superior court judge doesn’t just hold court in his home county; he presides over cases in other counties throughout the state. Our next superior court judge will therefore be a representative of Randolph County wherever he holds court. Doesn’t it follow that he should be well-acquainted with the people of our county and the values that we hold dear?

I believe that I am correct when I say that there has never been a Randolph County superior court judge who was not a native of Randolph County. I also believe that I am correct in saying that we have never had a judge in Randolph County on the superior court bench (or on the district court bench for that matter) who did not have some knowledge and training in both the criminal and the civil law prior to taking office. I believe it is essential that we continue the traditions that a resident superior court judge should have substantial ties to the county he serves and its people. I believe that he should have broad knowledge and experience in both civil and criminal law. 

Finally, I promise to uphold the Constitution and the law.

If elected, I promise to continue the tradition of my predecessors whose service on the superior court bench has made Randolph County proud.

NC House
District 78

Challenger Neal Jackson
Challenger David Ashley
Challenger Cory Bortree

No candidate responded

Randolph County Clerk
of Superior Court

Incumbent Pam Hill
Email: catch22plh@yahoo.com
Challenger Anthony ‘Tony’ Julian
Email: agjulian@northstate.net

Hill and Julian responded

If you are an incumbent, explain to voters why they should re-elect you. If you are not an incumbent, explain to voters why you should be the choice to fill an incumbent’s seat.


Never forgetting that I serve at the pleasure of my fellow Citizens, I have maintained my commitment and remain committed to the goals of INTEGRITY, HARD WORK and CUSTOMER SERVICE.  Some examples of my commitment include the following:

I am fortunate to lead an outstanding Group of 39 Assistant and Deputy Clerks, who are committed to their Jobs and also work as a Team, to Support each other.

To ensure effective operations, I have required not only training for the Members of each Division of your Clerks’ Office, but I have also required cross-training of our Personnel, so that each Individual and each Division has back-up available, when necessary.

Through procedures, checks, and balances, which I have put into place, we have maintained, safeguarded and disbursed monies, collected by the Court system, in the millions of dollars, pursuant to law. This has included safe and accurate implementation of the option of payment of Court fees by credit card. We also maintain minor Trusts and other accounts, in the millions of dollars, for the benefit of Wards and Children in our County, for which I have worked to obtain the highest rate of return in interest which could legitimately and safely be achieved.

Your Clerks’ Office most recently received an internal audit score of 98.7%, from the NC Administrative Office of the Courts, which ranks among the top 13 scores across the State.

I have ensured the holding of all required hearings, in Randolph County, for which the Clerk is responsible, including but not limited to Guardianships (numbers of which have increased dramatically over the years), Estates, Foreclosures, Real Property, Legitimations, and Name Changes.

We met the challenges presented by the pandemic. For a period of time, by rotating Members of our Divisions, I ensured that, if half of one or our divisions was quarantined, pursuant to law, because of exposure, the other half was available to keep that Division running. Owing to this strategy, we continued to staff and facilitate each and every session of District and Superior Courts. As soon as the Chief Justice allowed us to resume, implementing Judge Long’s protocols, we facilitated the conduct of Jury Trials, including the safe, staggered and respectful orientation of Jurors. Randolph County has continuously held Jury Trials for the last 18 calendar months. Whenever safe to so do, over the years, I have tried to personally meet with Jurors, as a group, at orientation, to Thank them for their service.

I have ensured the maintenance and safeguarding of the official Court files of Randolph County, while also working to support law enforcement and our Randolph County Jail by providing needed documentation, for individuals in custody and also subject to commitment for active sentences.

I have always maintained a solid and respectful working relationship with our Randolph County Government. Beginning in 2016, I have worked continuously to plan and put into effect a badly needed physical expansion of your Clerks’ Office. After Probation/Parole relocated to Northgate Plaza, we have expanded into an already-existing contiguous space. We now are moving all official Court files into one secure location, and the extra space has provided us with the ability to provide an enhanced level of service to our Citizens. Throughout the entirety of this expansion, while we have moved our Personnel numerous times, we have maintained service to our Citizens.

Throughout my tenure as your Clerk, I have continuously supported and will continue to support our Randolph County community organizations.


My name is Anthony Julian and I am a candidate for Randolph County Clerk of Court.  Here are a few reasons why I feel I am the best choice for this position:

I am a lifelong Randolph County native. I attended elementary, middle and high school at Randleman. After I graduated in 1981, I went on to earn a degree in Human Services from Wingate College. I have been a magistrate for almost 30 years. I am a member of the NC Magistrates Association where I served as President and currently serve as Regional Director. I am a member of the Asheboro Masonic Lodge #699. I was raised in the Bethany United Methodist Church and am a lifelong Conservative Republican.  

The purpose of the Clerk’s office is to provide accurate record keeping; collect fines; Judge of probate hearings; hear special proceedings; handle the administration of trusts/estates; handle criminal matters (i.e. issue arrest and search warrants, conduct initial appearance hearings for defendants along with other matters). I feel my background and experience have prepared me to bring a fresh perspective to the duties of this office. I hope to implement changes that will improve the quality of the interactions between the Clerk’s office and the citizens it serves and provide strong, new leadership.

Point out the most important issue(s) in your race, your opinion on that or those issues, and how you intend to address them should you be elected.


Adequate staff and resources has always been and remains one of our top issues and priorities in your Clerks’ Office, including dealing with increasing numbers of filings and covering and facilitating increasing sessions of both District and Superior Court. Since becoming Clerk in 2006, through my advocacy with the NC Administrative Office of the Courts and with the kind support of our Legislators, our Office has acquired approximately 10 additional Deputy and Assistant Clerk positions to address these concerns, as well as to efficiently and effectively serve our Citizens. I will continue to advocate, go to Raleigh, if necessary, and fight for Randolph County to have our fair share of State Government resources.

Initiated by the State, another important issue facing your Clerks’ Office is the implementation of electronic filing, which will change the way our Office conducts business with our Citizens and law enforcement. While e-filing will significantly assist our Clerks in their jobs to serve our Citizens, we must also and will work to ensure that this new technology will not prevent any Randolph County Citizen’s ability to file legal documents/actions, make payments, or conduct business with their Office. Specifically, Citizens who either do not have access to the internet or may be unable to use technology to access services will need to be assisted with the mechanics of e-filing by our Clerk’s Office.

Another important issue is increasing services to our Citizens as Randolph County’s population continues to grow, especially including growing numbers of guardianship and estate cases. We will continue to work with Citizens, coordinate meetings and hearings, and prioritize and organize our resources to keep pace with these essential needs, This will include our policy, since I began serving, of, if a Respondent or Ward cannot get to us, we will go to their residence or a facility in which they may reside.  If they cannot get to the Courthouse, we will continue to take the hearing to them.

An essential issue in my request to continue to serve as your Clerk of Court is the need, to which I am and will remain committed, to provide proven, effective, and honest leadership and management, as your Clerk’s Office faces the unknown, yet inevitable challenges, which will come with time.


Some issues of importance in the race for Randolph County Clerk of Court are:

— The current clerk asked for and unwisely spent $1.275 million on re-modeling the Clerk’s offices.

— During COVID the Clerk’s office had limited hours for 211 days, therefore restricting access while most of the courthouse services were still in operation.

— Complaints of unnecessary long waits; poor customer service; and unprofessionalism are common under the current Clerk.

— If re-elected, the current Clerk and her spouse will have complete control over the Office of Clerk, judicial proceedings and the Randolph County Courthouse.

— If re-elected, the current Clerk can retire and her successor will be chosen by her spouse, taking away the rights of voters to choose.

If elected, I will:

— Be a good steward of taxpayers’ money.

— Keep the Clerk’s Office open.

— Provide opportunities for professional staff development training.

— Work to ensure that citizens are provided professional, courteous service and have their dealings handled expeditiously.

— Serve out my term to the best of my abilities.

In closing, I will be a Clerk that will work with and for you every day.  Thank you for your consideration.

County Commissioners
District 3

Incumbent David L. Allen
Email: dallen@rtelco.net
Challenger Todd Daniel
Email: tdaniel@faithramseur.org

Allen responded

If you are an incumbent, explain to voters why they should re-elect you. If you are not an incumbent, explain to voters why you should be the choice to fill an incumbent’s seat.


Knowledge and experience. I have served on the Board of Commissioners nearly two terms serving previously as chairman and currently as vice chairman. Along with knowing the duties and responsibilities of a commissioner, I also work closely with key leaders in our county government, our schools and community. Working alongside these community partners allows myself and the other commissioners to collaborate on ideas that can enhance the health, safety and wellbeing of our county residents. 

This governmental experience along with my more than 35 years of business experience as a CPA in several businesses well qualifies me to lead Randolph County into the future. As a businessman, I know the importance growing our industrial and commercial employer base and providing good paying jobs for our county as well as a stable tax base to maintain low taxes. However, I also have an agricultural background as I live on my family’s farm and know the importance of agriculture to Randolph County. I am best qualified to lead efforts to continue to balance the traditional rural nature of the county with the continuing need for urbanization.

I am a strong supporter of public education, having increased funding for our public schools, including building a new middle school in Trinity along with a new addition and renovation of Asheboro High School. The board has also increased teacher supplements for staff in the county schools under my leadership. Regarding public safety, we completed construction on the county Emergency Operations Center and ambulance bases in Liberty, Randleman, Uwharrie and Erect. While serving on the board, additions have been made to the Detention Center and renovations continue to alleviate overcrowding.

Key purchases of property have also been made under my leadership, including the Northgate Center property which has allowed the expansion of county services, space for the board of elections, social services and sheriff’s office (ongoing), including the relocation of areas of the court system, alleviating overcrowding at the courthouse.

I have also had a key leadership role on the Sandhills Board of Directors, helping establish a facility-based crisis center for behavioral health issues in Asheboro, along with a new Asheboro-based office building for Sandhills Center which will soon be under construction.

My skill set as a commissioner has enabled the county to accomplish these things and more — all while cutting the “realized” property tax rate while I have been in office. I am conservative, practical, transparent, fair, independent, reliable, consistent and have served the office with integrity. My commitment to all Randolph County citizens is to be fully informed so as to be able to make intelligent and fair decisions based upon my conservative Christian values..

Point out the most important issue(s) in your race, your opinion on that or those issues, and how you intend to address them should you be elected.


There are a number of issues facing the county – some short-term in nature requiring immediate attention and others that are of a longer duration that will need to be addressed more strategically.

Of immediate concern is the current labor shortage that is now plaguing much of our economy. Within certain critical county departments, including emergency services, public safety and social services, labor is in short supply. Our citizens depend on these services in their times of crisis. When someone makes that call to 911, we have a duty to our residents to respond in a timely and efficient manner. Attracting and retaining well-trained and highly skilled individuals is a must which typically, but not always, means higher wages. Improving work schedules from 24 to 12 hour shifts for Emergency Services is one example that was an expensive but necessary change in order to retain and recruit staff with the added benefit of improving the level of service. 

As overall wages increase due to the current spike in inflation, it is imperative that the county continue to adequately compensate its employees in order to provide the level of services that county residents have come to expect. As a CPA, I know that careful use of taxpayer dollars will be key to adequately fund these higher wages. We also need to fully utilize our schools and community college to prepare our children for the workforce whether it be in advanced manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture or other sectors of the economy. And that translates into adequate funding.

A more long-term issue is controlling and planning for growth within the county. With Toyota poised to begin operations at the megasite in Liberty along with the potential growth related to the Chatham megasite located along the border with Randolph, we need to be proactive in order to take advantage of anciliary industrial, commercial and residential growth opportunities — but in a planned and controlled manner. 

The growth will be dependent upon the strategic location of available public water and sewer services. The creation of a county-wide “water” plan (currently under development) will identify potential, feasible areas for growth. Partnering with our municipalities and using American Rescue Plan funding, we can continue to grow economically while still protecting Randolph County’s rural agricultural character and heritage. But growth does not come without a price. To prosper, we need to continue to fund our schools to build the workforce that will be required which may include more school construction and renovations due to population growth. 

We will need to ensure adequate healthcare for our citizens which means having a vibrant healthcare system which we are working to accomplish by assisting Randolph Health. Growth will also mean more spending for public safety, emergency services and other county services. 
My experience and track record on the board of commissioners as well as years of business experience as a CPA uniquely qualify me to make those financial decisions to stretch taxpayer dollars to fund the planned growth that is critical to Randolph County’s future prosperity.