Dispatcher Cheyanne Allred (center) was recently honored by her colleagues in the Sheriff's office.
ASHEBORO — A 911 telecommunication was honored for talking a 13-year-old teenage from jumping off a bridge.
On Dec. 29, 2022, a 13-year-old female of Asheboro called 911. The juvenile was experiencing an emotional crisis and threatening to jump off of a bridge near her home.
Telecommunicator Cheyanne Allred remained calm and professional during the entire 13-minute call. The juvenile female was distraught and crying ,and during the phone call, she made additional comments that sitting on that ledge was “peaceful” and made additional threats to jump. Allred was able to divert the female’s focus on jumping off the bridge by talking about her pets, her school and favorite subject. Allred reassured the female that everything was going to be OK.
A Randolph County Deputy arrived on-scene to find the female leaning on/over the concrete wall of the bridge still on the phone with Allred. Deputy Martin secured the juvenile and took her to Randolph Health for evaluation.
On Jan. 12, at the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office Command Staff Meeting, Allred was awarded the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office “Sheriff’s Commendation” for her outstanding performance during the incident.