Linda Brown
ASHEBORO – The Asheboro/Randolph Chamber announced today that its President, Linda Brown, is leaving to accept a position at Randolph Community College.
Brown began her tenure as Chamber President in June 2014.
“The last nine years have gone by so fast”, expressed Brown. “Our Chamber has doubled in size, our financial sustainability has grown significantly, and our Member engagement has been through the roof. This is the best possible time for me to be a little selfish and take this opportunity that has been offered to work with another organization I greatly admire.”
The Chamber’s Executive Committee was advised of Brown’s decision this morning.
“I am happy for Linda and proud of what she’s accomplished here; but at the same time I am sad for us. Without question I look forward in watching her and the Chamber grow in their next chapters”, said Darwin Smith, Chamber Board Co-Chair.
Smith’s fellow Co-Chair, Mary Lisk added “I am happy for the RCC opportunity for Linda. Her work and nine years at the Chamber forming relationships and partnerships make her a perfect candidate for the strategic planning and college foundation position. She will be missed and we appreciate her dedication and hard work at the Chamber.”
The Chamber’s Board of Directors is working to form a Search Committee to find their next President. The Chamber’s Chair-Elect, H.R. Gallimore will be part of the Search Committee and shared he is “excited about the Chamber’s future as well as Linda’s at the RCC. She will be sorely missed.”