A revised Master Plan was presented to the City Council last week for the David and Pauline Jarrell Center City Garden.
ASHEBORO — In its June meeting, the Asheboro City Council adopted the David and Pauline Jarrell Center City Garden master plan.
The proposed garden is on approximately three acres between Cox and Main streets in a historic neighborhood situated between Worth and Academy streets. The land was once owned by Gov. Jonathan Worth.
According to the master plan, the site will include a welcome garden, display gardens and naturalistic gardens. A home on the property is being considered as a welcome center.
David Jarrell, a former mayor of Asheboro, and his wife Pauline were instrumental in creating a place for the park by purchasing much of the land and selling it to the city at an affordable price.
WIth the council’s adoption of the master plan, the next phase is application for grants and detailed design for permit and construction documents.
You can visit www.asheboronc.gov to read more about the history and timeline of this project. Once there, you can dowload a 28-page PDF showing decisions that were made up to the master plan’s final adoption this month.
Final Concept Plan with zones
A revised concept plan received comments at the second stakeholder building, resulting in moving the historic attorney’s office to the heirloom garden. Stakeholders also preferred plenty of seating opportunities and a simple, low-maintenance fountain.
Three types of spaces comprise the overall David and Pauline Jarrell Center City Garden:
A - The Welcome Gardens lie to the west off of South Cox Street, offering amenities and orienting visitors to the property;
B - The Display Gardens sit within the central portion of the property, providing Classical outdoor spaces and manicured plantings of native and adapted non-invasive species; and
C - The Naturalistic Gardens occupy the southeastern, northeastern, and northwestern areas, offering relaxed landscape scale plantings of southeastern native plants.
In other business, the Council:
— Accepted Truist Bank’s bid for installment financing for the purchase of city vehicles and equipment.
A resolution on the matter said, “The amount financed shall not exceed $387,635.00, the annual interest rate (in the absence of a default or a change in tax status) shall not exceed 3.87 percent, and the financing term shall not exceed 59 months from closing.”
— Accepted petitions for annexation from:
Duke Energy Progress LLC: For contiguous annexation of four parcels across from the intersection of New Century Drive and Veterans Loop Road.
Ardani Adulfo Nolasco along with Burnis Wilbern Spoon and Janice Breedlove Spoon: For contiguous annexation of two parcels near the intersection of Patton Avenue and NC 42.
Both petitions will be investigated for their sufficiency and then be presented at public hearings at the July 13 council meeting.
— Approved change orders for construction projects at the Zoo City Sportsplex and McCrary Park.
The change order for the Sportsplex is between the City of Asheboro and Terry’s Plumbing and Utilities for additional construction items.
The change order for McCrary Park is between the City of Asheboro and Rodgers Builders, Inc., for additional construction items.
— Honored M. Sgt. Charles Burrow at his retirement after 29 years with the Asheboro Police Department.
As Police Chief Mark Lineberry presented Burrow with his service weapon as a retirement gift, he noted that the two of them had attended law enforcement training together. “Charles did almost every job in the department, including something called bike patrol. We can’t replace you but we’re going to try.”
Mayor David Smith said that with Burrow’s retirement, “we’re losing a fine example of community service.”