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Trade, North streets focus of Asheboro council

ASHEBORO — Improvements to the Trade Street alley and development of the historic North Street mill highlighted the April 6 meeting of the Asheboro City Council.


Addie Corder, executive director of Downtown Asheboro Inc. (DAI), discussed funds totaling $550,000 needed for the purchase of property at 105 North Fayetteville Street, adjacent to Trade Street, to add parking as well as sanitation and electrical system support space. 


The Trade Street project, which would make the block-long alley more attractive and pedestrian friendly, is expected to bury overhead power lines. It was said that a new electrical box at the Fayetteville Street property would reduce costs.


The council took no action on the purchase but will keep it under advisement.


Related to the Trade Street project was adding the section of North Street between Trade Street and Sunset Avenue to the Wooten Company’s engineering services contract related to the renovations. A change order to the Wooten contract of $74,000 brings the total to $309,000 for the study. The funds earmarked for Wooten come from allocations from the state.


Also, Trevor Nuttall, community development director, talked at length about the potential conveyance of the North Street mill property for historic preservation purposes under the NC general statutes. The property has been purchased by the city from Acme-McCrary for possible development by a private party for market value apartments, offices and commercial space.


Nuttall said he has been in contact with officials with the UNC School of Government in Chapel Hill for advice in such a development project. He said it could take more than a year to complete a study before looking for a developer. 


“The School of Government will show the possibilities to developers,” he said. “We want to ensure the preservation of the historic building while adding to downtown.”


Nuttall said the city staff will begin talks with DAI and return with an update within 60 days. “This is the path we’ll proceed on and bring back.”


In other business, the council:

•Received the annual report from Police Chief Mark Lineberry.


During 2022, he said, the Police Department answered 27,878 calls for service, up from the last two years since the state now mandates that traffic stops be added to the list.


“We strive for a five-minute response time” for calls, Lineberry said, adding that the average for last year was 4:58.


Lineberry gave the following statistics: The No. 1 criminal charge for 2022 was failure to appear in court, 889, followed by Drug charges, 406, and larceny, 385.


There were 249 calls related to drug overdoses with 14 overdose deaths. Police officers administered 43 doses of Narcan to overdose victims during 2022.


The highest number of traffic accidents were on Dixie Drive followed in order by Fayetteville Street, Salisbury Street, Interstate 73/74 and NC 42. 


Animal control officers received 1,388 calls and picked up 567 animals.


•Heard Eddie Garner give the Building Inspections annual report. He said his department took in $256,135 for 1,333 permits during 2022. He said their goal is to “make sure buildings are safe and in compliance.”


•Recognized Human Resources staff members for the Organizational Leadership and Development Award by the NC Chapter of the International Public Management Association.


•Were presented with an update by Susan Hunt of Keaton’s Place, which offers help and services to addicts seeking help. She said funding comes from citizens of Randolph County and from Randolph County.


Hunt reminded the council that May is Mental Health Month and that a local film on the topic will premiere May 11 at the Sunset Theatre.


•Received the results from Steve Hackett, assistant finance officer, on the bids for audit services.


“We found Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams & Company, PA, as the most responsive bidder for the City of Asheboro for the audit of the year ended June 30, 2023, 2024 and 2025,” Hackett said. “Alan Thompson, a partner with over 25 years’ experience, will be the partner in charge of the audit. The audit will be staffed by an audit manager with three senior staff.”


•Heard from Safety Manager Brad Dalke which city departments won NC Department of Labor Safety Awards for 2022. Those awards were previously published in Randolph Hub.


•Approved a change order in the amount of $3,436 for additional design services by Prospect Landscape Architecture related to the development of the David and Pauline Jarrell Center City Garden project.


Mayor David Smith later said that a groundbreaking and work party will be held at the garden on Saturday, April 29, beginning at 10 a.m.


•Approved the application for a state grant/loan for the Lake Lucas Dam intake improvements project. The council also approved contracts for the purchase of seven chemicals needed by the Water Resources Division during the coming year.


•Agreed to a resolution authorizing the procurement of professional consulting services to assist the Water Resources Division with the Wolfspeed water line extension project. Michael Rhoney, Water Resources director, said no one in his department has the experience in design/build for such a project.