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Asheboro beginning youth athletic scholarship program

ASHEBORO — During this month’s Asheboro City Council meeting, councilmen agreed to adopt a youth athletic scholarship program. 


Assistant Recreation Services Director Jody Maness introduced the program, noting that just 25 percent of children from homes earning less than $25,000 per year participate in athletic programs.  


“The City of Asheboro Cultural and Recreation Services Department wants all children to be able to participate in youth sports, regardless of their financial situation,” Maness said. “The Youth Athletics Scholarship Program is designed to provide financial assistance to families who may not otherwise be able to let their children participate in youth athletics in Asheboro because of cost. 


All request forms must be turned into the Cultural and Recreation Services Department during the registration period for the current youth athletic program.” 


To be eligible for a scholarship, the youth must be up to 18 years of age, an Asheboro resident, eligible for Medicaid and currently receiving government benefits. Foster children are also eligible.


The scholarship will cover 50 percent of the cost for full-sea-son athletic programs with the remaining balance the responsibility of the parent/guardian. The scholarships do not apply to athletic programs with a cost of less than $15 or to late registration fees. 


Completing the scholarship form does not register a child for the program. The registration form must be completed sepa-rately. If awarded a scholarship, the Cultural and Recreation Services Department will notify the recipient’s parent/guardian. 


All information on the scholarship application will be strictly confidential. Coaches, instructors and program leaders are not informed of a participant’s scholarship status.  


Only one child and one activity should be listed per form. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Completed applications and proof of Medicaid benefits should be presented to Cultural and Recreation Services staff at the office at 241 Sunset Avenue., Asheboro. 


Staff will review applications prior to the end of the registration period. Each applicant’s parent/guardian will be notified when the application is approved or denied. 


Any questions should be addressed to staff at the department office or by calling 336-626-1240.